Thursday, November 17, 2011

Make your own liquid enzyme fertilizer..

I was very keen to make my own most people quote, compost is the gardener's gold..but living in a neighbourhood, I understand that making compost in your house compound may bring up unbearable stench and this may cause unpleasantness to your neighbours. I brought this thing up when discussing gardening matters to my friend, Dean..Like me, he is very keen about  gardening and has collected many useful infos about gardening but since he is living in a rented apartment, space is very limited..Back to the main point..Dean brought up about making liquid enzyme fertilizer..Since I was very cautious about stench that may be produced from breaking down of organic materials, he suggested that I used orange or lemon peels instead..It can give a pleasant, citrusy smell.. Upon reaching home from my work yesterday, I made a big pot orange juice and keep aside the orange peels..This is how my liquid enzyme fertilizer looked like:
My precious liquid enzyme fertlizer..
This liquid enzyme usage is not restricted on becoming fertilizer only. It can be used to clean your floors, cars, to wash veggies and fruits,etc..Here is the "recipe"

Liquid Enzyme Fertilizer Recipe
100gm of brown sugar (or any unprocessed sugar such as molasses or gula merah/gula melaka)-I used brown sugar
300gm of orange peels (or any fruit peels of your preference such as jackfruit, orange, etc)
1 l of tap water
Airtight container

How to:
-Mix water with sugar to dissolve..then pour it down the bottle using funnel
-Add the orange peels
-Give the bottle a good shake
-Labelled the bottle . Dun forget to put the date on so that you know when it is ready to be used!

This bottle should be left for at least 3 months or more..You would want to open the cap once a day for the first month to let out the "oxygen" from the bottle..If there is any whitish layer formed on the top layer of the content, just tighten the cap to prevent any air from entering and give the bottle a good shake..The enzyme will be ready when it turns dark in colour.. You can filter the solution using any thin cloth such as muslin, diaper cloth or plain ol' t-shirt..For veggies or any plants, dilute 1 part to  20 part of water . Dean told me that he had made this fertilizer once and used it on a lime plant that bore him no fruit at all for the last 10 years..The plant then started to grow flowers and eventually lots of limes!! Can't wait for mine to turn to enzyme to give me lush green veggies to munch on..Will update you on their progress, ok?

" Happy, Gardening, Folks!!"


  1. Hi, lovely blog you have here! I was wondering if you have started using this liquid enzyme fertiliser, and what is your feedback? I am eager to try this. I have some mango peels to start the process.

    By the way, I am giving this rice water enzyme a try for oily dishes. It is ready in 1 week.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry for the late reply..I have recently used my liquid enzyme fertilizer on my plants..The results? Roselle plants have quickly bore me fruits and my kaffir lime and screwpine plants have grown very well evrsince..How is your success with rice water enzyme? Do share with us here, ok?

  4. Hi, I have found this post very interesting and have mixed my own liquid enzyme using dragon fruit peels and pineapple peels (planning to mix more). Is it true that I can use any fruit peels of my preference? I have found that the first several days after mixing or when the fermentation process is started, it renders much gas and foam. Sometimes it even popped and erupted when I loosen the bottle's lid. Is it normal? And upon harvesting, can I use it on any plant, such as vegetables? How often should I apply it on the soil of my plants? Thanks!

  5. The liquid enzyme preparation includes a dilute enzyme solution and a concentrated enzyme solution, and is usually directly prepared or concentrated without removing impurities. enzyme formulations
